WordPress Hosting to Windows Error Screens,


Don’t Make These 5 Landing Page Mistakes and Ruin Your SEO

As more and more web users are joining WordPress for its excellent performance and serviceability. There is a growing need to find the perfect WordPress hosting platform for every kind of user base and website.

By 2021 over 455 million websites have joined the WordPress CMS system, and this number is just growing every day. This means a lot of websites are looking for the perfect hosting solution for their website.

But little do they know most hosting websites cause an error called – “the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.” Error.

This error is caused by the hosting side of the operation due to hosting companies caping user bandwidth without alerting them. This is a fairly common issue that WordPress users find themselves in.

But have no worries, there is a fairly easy solution to this problem, just simply follow these steps.

If generating or changing the php.ini file does not work, you may change the upload max filesize directive by altering your website’s .htaccess file.

The first step is to login to your website through FTP and edit the.htaccess file in the root directory.

Add the following code snippet, being sure to change the values to match your needs:

php_value upload_max_filesize (Value)
php_value post_max_size (Value)
php_value memory_limit (Value)

But what about those Outlook users who are facing various Outlook-related errors, that prevent them from using Outlooks services and causing great obstruction to their workflow.

There are various kinds of Outlook email service errors that one might encounter, one such annoying Outlook error is error 0x80040610 code.

This has a fairly easy solution to it. Just follow these steps.

Open Outlook and select File from the File menu.

And go to your Account Settings

Change may be found in the Account Settings box.

Select Outgoing Server from the More Settings menu.

Selecting the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication from the drop-down menu.

Before sending mail, click the option next to Log in to the incoming server.

When you’re done, make sure to restart your computer and check the saved changes.

But what about errors like 0x0 0x0 users might face Outlook errors stemming from Windows errors the likes of this one.

By following some best practices, Windows users can prevent issues such as BSOD error codes.

Method No. 1: Discontinue Obsolete Programs

Because outdated apps acquired from untrustworthy sources might create a slew of problems on your computer, it’s a good idea to delete them.

Method No. 2: Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup is a built-in application in the Windows operating system that is designed to clean up and erase all the rubbish and transient useless items that are taking up disk space.

Method No. 3: Ensure that the drivers are up to date.

Drivers are a group of programs that allow hardware and software to communicate with each other in a smooth manner. It is critical for your operating system to keep these Driver applications up to current.

These best practices, according to some experts, will help you keep your computer in better shape.


As discussed the importance of WordPress as a CMS platform is present and growing rapidly, to counteract all the issues that you may encounter while using WordPress, a user should be knowledgeable to handle any and all kinds of issues that they may face and obtain the skill to handle any such issues.

Another thing to focus on while using WordPress to build your Website is

  1. Selecting the right WordPress hosting service for your business
  2. Selecting the right skillset to learn while using WordPress
  3. Obtaining knowledge on how to deal with WordPress errors
  4. Obtaining knowledge on how to deal with Windows Blue Screen of Death error codes, etc.

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