Education is the backbone of any nation. It is the key to success and prosperity. In order to
provide quality education to its citizens, a country must have a well-functioning education
system. In Pakistan, there are five main education boards that are responsible for providing
primary and secondary education: Punjab Education Board, Sindh Education Board, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Education Board, Balochistan Education Board, and Gilgit Baltistan Education
Board. Let’s take a closer look at each of these boards and see what they have to offer!
Education in Pakistan has been a long-standing issue for the country. For this reason, all
provinces have set up examination boards that conduct tests to qualify students into
matriculation and intermediate classes before they can move onto higher levels like bachelor’s
degrees or doctorates. The universities manage these examinations at graduation level
(including undergraduate), master’s programs & PhD research which make them responsible as
well for ensuring quality learning environments where aspiring minds are groomed with sufficient
facilities needed by every student.
and if you check all board’s result
Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
The Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) is an important
organization in charge for controlling education exams within Pakistan as well as abroad. This
board was founded back in 1975, which makes them one-of-a kind when compared to other
countries that have been doing this type or level assessment since long before then! They are
responsible not only announcing final results but also selecting students who will be invigilating
during these stages along with being ableto determine what courses they should take next
based off their performance at each level after passing through FCI/FCS examinations
The main purpose behind creating FBISExecuted by government , coordinate efforts involved
curriculum development process promotion quality control implementation.
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad (BISE,
The BISE Faisalabad is an educational board that has been working since 1988 and holds
exams for matric students as well as those in the intermediate level. They also manage
examinations of HSSC courses held yearly, distributing scores according to schedule
The Punjab government’s largest province by population (and second-largest landmass)
contains eight different schooling systems: four metropolitan cities with their respective districts;
three semi-autonomous regions whose leaders have considerable control over citizenship laws
but less economic freedom from Islamabad–these are Rangers badged police officers loyal only
outwardly towards Martial Lawimposed upon them once already when captured
Board of Intermediate and secondary education, Lahore (BISE,
The old Lahore University was already too small to handle the increasing number of students,
so they established their own board called BISE. Now this university has control over Kasur and
Okara while also including Sheikhopora or Nankana Sajb Uncle due in part from an immense
increase that took place during colonial times when more people started going back into
education because it brought them higher wages than just working on farms all day long without
any breaks whatsoever- even if you were lucky enough not only having lunch with friends every.
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Karachi (BSEK)
Karachi is a city in Pakistan with 6 educational boards. One of them, the Karachi Board for
Secondary Education was established by government officials back in 1974 and it works to
elevate standards at secondary level schools across this province!
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Quetta
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Quetta is an autonomous board that has
control over Baluchistan’s regions. It manages all matters related to education within the
province as well any other issues concerning its area such like Kandahar or Makran etc..
.many more.
want more about boards..