Tips to maintain Plumbing pipes!


A1 Plumbing

Plumbing problems are a real nightmare. Therefore, the hydraulic part of a condominium should be the focus of constant concern for the manager. Since any failure can compromise  and a lot  the daily lives of all residents.

The most observed situations are clogging and problems generated by obsolescence.  Especially in iron pipes, in addition to rust and oxidation of the pipe.

Rust and Oxidation:

By the way, can attack both the outside and the inside of galvanized steel or cast iron pipes.  It is  causing holes or expanding the internal walls of the pipe with material.  From this chemical reaction, generating leaks or impairing the quality of the Water. In specific cases, when the piping is very compromised. The eventual lack of water and return release rust inside the structures and cause clogs in the pipe.  In the registers and also in the pumps.

Some care is needed to keep the pipes in good condition. “It is important to constantly check for moisture in the places where the pipes and pipes are installed. Humidity in large proportions and for a long time can cause problems. Also check the water quality. Water from a wells must have constant mineral control. Alkalinity and iron content can attack the pipes.  Even reduce the life of the metals in the autonomous units.

Preventive maintenance is recommended every six months, which can save between 20% and 40% of a condominium’s water consumption. Even with this care, however, it is important to remember that plumbing, like other items in a condominium, has a limited lifespan. “In old buildings, it takes around 20 to 25 years. In the most current cases, it is much smaller.  Sometimes, it is compromised even before the guarantee of delivery of the work expires, that is, five years

Past and Present:

Older pipes are made of galvanized iron  for clean water  and cast iron  for sewage. The most modern ones are PVC, PCVC and PPR copper. Replacement is necessary, respecting precisely the useful life of the materials.

“Over time, the networks get a lot of rust, obstruction and corrosion.  There comes a time when they break.  It can cause flooding and various damages. In addition, they can cause harm to health due to the critical condition
of the network”, says the representative of the company specialized in the area.

“It went bad”. And now?

In case of clogging, the manager should always contact a specialized company to analyze the problem and see the possibility of carrying out a procedure with machines and cables. As it is not possible to unclog this way, it is necessary to replace the hydraulic network that has a problem.

In the need for an exchange, the question that remains is the following.   It  is possible to perform it only in one unit or must every condominium adapt?

It is possible to make a partial exchange, but we always recommend the condominium to work with a cash reserve for works. This is because, in case of collective exchange.  The cost-benefit is better.

For this, a general meeting is not necessary.

It is an emergency maintenance.

In the case of plumbing replacement, costs must be addressed. “The condominium is responsible for the collective food area (plumbs and columns), that is, the networks that bring water to the units. Meanwhile, the resident is responsible for the individual system (the so-called branches), which distributes water to the apartment’s hydraulic points.

Informing is the Way:

Considering the condominium as everyone’s responsibility and prevention as the best thing to do, it pays to invest in information for the condominium owners.

“For sewage pipes, it is worth carrying out awareness campaigns, asking for the best way to dispose of dirty water, maintaining drains and placing grates in tanks and sinks to prevent clothes or objects from going to the sewer. and promote clogging, in addition to the abolition of the practice of throwing food scraps in sinks, as well as cleaning tools with cement and sand.” Tips to remove kitchen Sink