How to fix ‘https aka remoteconnect is not working?


A regular console gamer encounters a variety of issues and constantly seeks out new strategies to solve them. Of course, you would prefer nothing to disturb your enjoyment and attention. Let’s say that you’re trying to begin Minecraft using an account on your Microsoft account on your console, but you notice the screen is restraining your login credentials. What do you think? Annoyed, right?

However, you need not think about this niggling very common issue encountered by gamers everywhere. By the time you finish going through this post, you will know what the error means and how to get it fixed in no time to cross-play Minecraft using Microsoft.

What is in Minecraft? is a website or cross-platform through which Minecraft users can play games on other consoles like PlayStation4, PlayStation5, Xbox One / Series S / Series X, and Nintendo Switch via Microsoft account.

If you want to utilize your Minecraft crossplay feature to enjoy games with others Aka MS Remoteconnect is the perfect solution for you. There will be no issue if the other users play Minecraft on different consoles.

What is the reason why the https aka ms remoteconnect Issue Occur In Minecraft?

While Minecraft is small relative to other games, it’s still one of the most complex games to have released. There can be numerous reasons for the happening of sign in not working issue. We will look at the most frequent causes of this problem in Minecraft.

Cross-Platform Feature:

While Minecraft allows you to play with gamers across numerous platforms, it will not allow users to play on other platform unless it has signed out the Microsoft account from your previous device. When you sign out, your issue is likely to be solved quickly.

This Corrupt Game’s Data

While you are attempting to upgrade your version or making the installation just now it could be that there are a few problems either with the server, or with your internet connection. It might cause your game files to get corrupted and overridden, which leads to not working.

Security Restrictions for Firewalls and Antiviruses:

If you are playing Minecraft through any sort of launcher application, such as Tlauncher There is a good chance that the issue is by an firewall or antivirus software which might have detected the game’s files as being unsafe. However it could be that the address could also be blocked in the firewall.

What is ms remoteconnect, also known as ms remoteconnect?

Microsoft account also known as ms remoteconnect happens to be the service that lets users play Minecraft with their friends with no hassle.

Making the connection to your Microsoft account lets you take advantage of Minecraft crossplay with PC, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and other consoles.

That means that if you use the Microsoft account to sign in to your game, then you can play cross-play with a friend on Xbox or PS4 even if you’re playing on a PC.

What is the cause of the https error for Minecraft?

Some gamers are confronted with an error with remote connection whenever they try to log into their account for the first time or are using the same account for multiple gaming consoles like those on the Xbox One or the PS4. is typically triggered when Minecraft isn’t able verify your device and the game’s information. However, there are a variety of other reasons why it could occur.

It’s most commonly seen to be found in The PS4 Bedrock Edition of Minecraft However, it may be present in other versions of Minecraft.

Also read:-Minecraft Unblocked game

What is the reason why the error happen?

We have already mentioned that is a verification error.

It’s apparent that Minecraft can’t connect to the server. The server will then steal your information from platforms like PlayStation 4, Xbox One PS4, Xbox One, or the Nintendo Switch.

One of the main motives in remoteconnect is that it’s a common, or shared connection to Wi-Fi. The use of secure Wi-Fi is hence strongly recommended.

It may also occur when your Microsoft account is having trouble accessing servers.

Another cause for remoteconnect might be the absence of apps and files due to proxy settings.

Aka ms remoteconnect may be caused by an anti-virus software that is blocking Internet Explorer from accessing the secure website.

How Do I Fix The ”https also known as ms remote connect not working” issue?

Before you try any of the suggestions below, please try RESTARTING the device. In most cases, you’re experiencing a glitch that caused the remoteconnect popping-up. Therefore, turn off your device, let it moment to recover and then restart it.

If this isn’t working If this doesn’t work, try the steps outlined below.

METHOD 1- Utilizing Sign-In Code Of Microsoft

This method is one of the first ones you must attempt as it is the easiest! This method is the best one to try.

Open Minecraft and then clicking the ”Sign-in access multiplayer” option you’ve spotted. If you click it, you will see the link to help you sign in to the Microsoft account.

Then click the link for the Microsoft account, and you will receive an 8-digit number.

* Click on the link- and enter the code you received before.

* Enter your code by clicking “Next” to proceed further. Follow the prompts you see on your screen . Remotely connect the device.

In the ideal situation, the error code you’ve been getting will disappear following this. If not start, you should try opening a brand new Microsoft account and then generate an entirely new code, and then follow this process again.

METHOD 2 – Remove Your Microsoft Account

With Nintendo Switch and PS4, you are only able to connect 1 Microsoft account. Therefore, delete the existing account attached to your Minecraft account.

This can be done by

* Open the settings

“Click” on the Profile

Enter ”Sign Out” to sign out Microsoft account, then you will have unlinked the accounts with Minecraft.

METHOD 3- Inspect If You’re Connected to a Different Device

It is possible that you have not remembered that you have logged in to your Minecraft account on another device. Also, look over all the devices you might have used your Minecraft account on before. Log off of all of these devices and log into the account that you’d like to use your Minecraft account.

Method 4: Click delete on all the saved Game Data

Your saved data is older game data that could have gotten corrupted and created the issue of the ”https aka ms remoteconnect not working issue” on Minecraft. For this issue to be fixed, remove all saved information on Minecraft. After successfully deleting the data, go through the steps in ”Method 1 to fix this issue” in this list of solutions and sign into Minecraft.

METHOD 5- Reinstall Minecraft Once you have logged out.

If none of those mentioned above methods seem to solve the problem with remote connectivity, this is your final resort. Just reinstall Minecraft and then log in! For this to work, start by logging out from your Minecraft account and then hitting remove on the application.

How to fix on PS4

Setting up RemoteConnect on PS4

Fix the error by signing into your Microsoft account then entering the Minecraft code on

  • Uninstall Minecraft and sign off of your Microsoft account.
  • Visit the Playstation Store, then search for Minecraft.
  • Download the game, and then start it.
  • Visit and sign in to your Microsoft account. Log in using your Microsoft code.

Turn on Cross-Play for PS4

Set up CrossPlay on Playstation follows the same procedure as Xbox and Nintendo Switch. ensure that the Cross-Play feature is on.

  • Launch Minecraft on your PS4 or PS5 console.
  • Shut down the game and click”Invite Me to Play. Then, click on the Friend’s menu, then click Find Cross-Platform friends.
  • Find the friends you want to be playing with through searching for the Minecraft ID. Click Add Friends.
  • Wait for your friend to accept the invitation, and then you are able to be a part of their lives.

Solution 2: Delete Minecraft Saved Games100

Use these steps to wipe the corrupted data off your console:

Start Minecraft and navigate to the System Settings and Storage. There you will find your saved game files.

Select the game’s stored file after which click the delete icon.

How to fix not working on Switch?

Now, this may sound odd, but persistence is the key here. More often than not, Nintendo Switch will display the not working error whenever you try to insert the code in the website and log you out. But, the trick is to continue trying to log in again and repeatedly.