
Invisalign Refinement: is It Necessary?

Several sets of fresh trays will be given to you throughout your Invisalign treatment. Changing trays every week or two weeks is usually recommended by your orthodontist. These new sets are intended to gradually reposition your teeth into a more visually attractive position. The therapy may seem long and tiresome at first, but your efforts will be rewarded in the end!

This strategy is used at Chatfield Braces Clinic to help your treatment plan advance at a suitable rate. These extra trays, known as Invisalign refinements, are supplied to patients who aren’t advancing according to their treatment schedule. They will extend your therapy by a few months, but you will not pay additional fees in most circumstances.

What are Invisalign Refinements and how does it work?

Invisalign refinements are extra sets of trays that are used to “fine-tune” your treatment. Treatment with Invisalign usually takes 12 to 18 months to finish. You must wear your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours every day during this period, clean them routinely, and exchange your trays on schedule. Even after all of this effort, you may still need to make some adjustments.

In an ideal world, all of your teeth would shift into the proper position on their own. However, for the vast majority of patients, this is simply not the case. If your orthodontist discovers that your teeth aren’t progressing as they should, you’ll need to get more aligners.


If dentists feel that Invisalign retirements are necessary for your requirements, the Legacy team will scan your teeth again with the iTero 3D Scanner. With these scans, we will be able to purchase new aligner trays to assist force your teeth into the proper place. These new trays will look similar to your previous ones and will still require you to wear them for at least 20 to 22 hours every day, seven days a week.

Based on your smile plan and whether you require a single refinement aligner or a series of refinements, new refinements will lengthen your treatment timetable by three to six months.

Is it bad news for me to get Invisalign refinement?

There are a variety of reasons why your orthodontist may decide to make changes to your treatment plan. Some problematic and resistant teeth may just move more slowly than expected, or a patient may require a dental procedure that changes the form of their teeth. As a result, their aligners are no longer correctly fitting. If you misplace or break your aligners, you will need to replace them. Other reasons you may require Invisalign improvements include:

  • Forget to wear Invisalign trays for at least 20 hours a day
  • Forget to use Invisalign trays for a long period because of an accident or sickness
  • A tooth or more than one that moves differently than estimated
  • Gum dieses or dental cavities

Some aspects of your life are beyond your control, such as the rate at which your teeth move. However, you may still ensure that you are following best practices for wearing and caring for your aligners.

Effective factors for getting refinement after the treatment

Although refinements are merely a fresh set of aligners, not everyone who begins their Invisalign adventure requires them; in certain circumstances, small repairs and changes will be required.

The following factors can influence your treatment and have an impact on your results, which may need the use of refining trays.

  • You should wear invisalign braces for at least 22 hours every day.
  • Do not forget about taking out trays during eating and drinking.
  • Clean your mouth and brush your teeth after eating or drinking.
  • If your Invisalign trays are broken or lost, replace your aligners immediately.
  • The movement of difficult teeth that doesn’t shift easily
  • The slow movement of teeth because of the genetics
  • Other kinds of dental treatments during the Invisalign treatments that can affect your aligner shapes.

Invisalign refinement cost

The cost of any improvements you require is dependent on your situation. Some patients receive their refinements for free, while others must pay, especially if further treatment is required.

Because each situation is unique, the cost of Invisalign refinement will vary from patient to patient. After analyzing your circumstances, your dentist or orthodontist will inform you of the cost of any refining therapy that you require.

If you are going to begin your Invisalign treatment and are concerned about having to pay more for refinements towards the end, we urge that you discuss this with your dentist or orthodontist before you begin. They will be able to explain the Invisalign refinement policy for your kind of treatment and answer any other questions you may have.

After using refinement, my dental treatment will be completed?

If we wanted to be honest with you, the answer is no! your teeth can shift whenever they wanted! It is weird but it is true. Following the completion of the refining procedure, the ultimate stage is Invisalign retainers. These are required to retainers for all of the movement and hard effort you put into repositioning your teeth. You’ll have to wear your retainers for 22 hours a day for the first six weeks. this can be preventing tooth shifting in the early stages after the completion of Invisalign treatment in London.

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