Why You are not getting the Best CA Intermediate Result?


Why Students are not getting the Best CA Intermediate Result

CA Intermediate Papers are one of the most challenging papers in the entire CA course. This course has a total of eight papers. And, these eight papers have their different backgrounds and are related to various subjects. The difficulty level of the exam makes it difficult for students to get a good CA Intermediate result.

Along with the difficulty level of the paper, the next major thing is not doing the CA Intermediate preparation properly. That means not having a proper plan for the studies, not being able to complete the syllabus within time, not solving CA Intermediate question papers, and not revising the course. These are the primary reasons why the students are not getting good CA Intermediate results.

Now, as we have discusses the probable reasons for the low CA Intermediate result pass percentage, we’ll also tell you the solutions to tackle these problems. So, here we will elaborate on these problems of why students fail in getting good marks in the CA Intermediate Exams, along with the solutions through which they can secure good marks.

What’s Stopping you From Getting the Best CA Intermediate Result?

Now, let us read in detail all those possible reasons that prevent students from getting the best CA intermediate Results.

Ignoring the ICAI Material

CA candidates generally make the mistake of avoiding or ignoring the ICAI CA Intermediate study material. ICAI study materials include the entire CA Intermediate syllabus in a proper chronology with the best description. ICAI also provides the manuals for practice, RTP, MTP, etc.

On the other hand, when you rely on reference books, you will be practising fewer questions, which is again a direct demerit. Hence, ignoring the ICAI materials leads the students to get diverted from the syllabus and practice the minor questions, resulting in fewer scores in the exams.

Failing to Present the Answer

Even, if students have prepared well for the exams, sometimes they still get a very low CA Intermediate result. It is because the way you present your answer in the CA Intermediate exams also impacts your result.

A good presentation attracts the examiner to read your response and evaluate the effects. You also get marks for your presentation. But in case you fail to present the solution, you will lose a significant portion of your marks.

Therefore, you need to improve your answer presentation skills. Also, it would help if you went through the solved answers in the ICAI materials and manuals to get the idea of presenting the solutions. Even many students who do not know the chronology of writing the answers fail in getting good marks as it is an essential part of the presentation.

Stating the Wrong Sections

The majority makes this problem and the students’ mistakes in the subjects such as Audits and Taxation. Students write the wrong sections and case laws in their answers.

This is an obvious situation where the students fail to recognize the number. But this does not mean that they need to write the wrong numbers. Writing the bad sections will directly lead to marks deduction, whereas if you do not write the section will give you better marks if properly explained. So, stating the wrong sections is a blunder that students perform towards getting poor results in CA Intermediate Exam.

Deviating From the Keywords

Some subjects in the CA Intermediate course are keywords-centric. This means they require specific keywords to be written while writing the answers. But what the students do is that they frame the entire answer in their language along with the keywords. This leads to more deductions in the answers as the examiner must be searching the keywords in them.

Lack of Revisions can reduce your CA Intermediate Result

Revision is a crucial part of your CA Inter preparation strategy. However, as the CA Intermediate course is vast, it is almost impossible for the students to revise the system after completing the syllabus completely.

So, the students need an excellent revisions strategy during the preparation. But these students wait for the last days of the exams for the revision. Due to such a dilemma, they fail to revise and retain the concepts. This has a direct impact on the CA Intermediate results as the students will not be able to recognize the answers due to a lack of revisions.

Not Solving the Practice papers and Mock Test.

40% of the preparation for the CA Intermediate exam is done through practice papers and mock tests papers. Regularly solving the CA Intermediate question papers and mock test papers helps the students to learn time management and answer writing. The students who do not solve the mock tests have no experience attempting the form. These students majorly fail to present answers, manage time, and attempt all the questions.

Read More: Is it healthy to study just after a meal? 

What can you do to get the best CA Inter Result?

Sometimes, even though the students have done the hard work but the lack of intelligent work can degrade their marks. So, now, if you want to get the best CA Inter Result, then you should consider the following solution to the problems:

  • Refer majorly to the ICAI CA Intermediate study materials for the exams. The ICAI CA materials are descriptive and include keywords, answer presentation, and practice and revisions questions.
  • The candidates must appear in mock tests and solve enough CA Intermediate mock test papers and previous year question papers. This will help them to learn the answer presenting skills. Also, students need to refer to the ICAI materials and some other materials to get a gist of how the solutions are presented.
  • Make a proper schedule for revisions along with your timetable. The revision schedule must consist of three revisions of each topic and should be divided weekly, monthly, or daily.
  • If you remember the section’s number and name, then only mention it in the exam, or else do not put the wrong one for adverse impact.


Therefore, we discussed the significant impacts that prevent students from getting good CA Intermediate results in exams. And all of these mistakes are also very lame excuses. This is because all of us are aware of these mistakes, and we still do them. So, now the students must not repeat these mistakes and do the smart and hard work to grab those good marks in their CA Intermediate Exams. Follow all the steps in the solution section very carefully to get the best CA Inter Result.